Friday, December 4, 2009

FAQ - 2

Mk, so I'm sitting in a chair... pondering.

These are things that I think may be on your minds.

1) The "judgie" portion of the tournament (ballot tables, hospitality, tab, etc) will be in Robinson A. First floor. That, my friends, is new as of this week-ish.

2) You can dump extemp tubs at Science & Tech II - Room 7. This can happen as early as 8am tomorrow (Saturday)!

3) If you have any GMIF kids, OR INTERESTED ONES, there will be a fun table for that. I believe this table is in the Johnson Center -- where we presume most of the students will be.

4) The table mentioned above will also serve as an info desk. "Where's David King Hall?" Ask the info desk... or anyone with an appropriate nametag.

5) Parking in Lot A requires no decals. Just park! Yay!

6) Starbucks is in Northern Neck (check your maps) :D

7) I'm told that L.D. schematics are online. They were not in the things from registration. Also, they should be posted at the tournament.

8) If you did not register at the Marriott tonight (or before in few exceptions) I will see you between 8:00am and 9:00am tomorrow. Don't forget, no credit cards.

8) Anything else? Email Be weary though. How often will I be able to check my email tomorrow? Thank goodness I will be there in person tomorrow! And I will be accompanied by my teammates who will also aid you.


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